Tuesday, June 4, 2013


This past weekend I went to D.C to visit my sister and get some fun in after having such a shitty week. We ended up having a mini gyaru meet with Tama and her fiancee and roommate and it was da bomb! We met at union station and browsed around there (it's like an airport shopping area 2.0) then went in Victoria's Secret and bought these delicious smelling bronzers, body sprays, and lotion (sorry that I lack photos lol). After that we went to my first hookah bar and we tried to do karaoke but due to out having a 20 year old with us we couldn't get in since it was 21 and older. We also missed out on going to a club and partying but, there's always next time. So here's some photos of us at hookah and ending our night.

Tama was putting us to shame with her princess hair and heels lol. Her outfit was so simple yet fabulous wish I took a picture of her

I was too effin tall to fit in the picture lol

Next weekend is my meet with my gal sisters in Hikaru We're gonna party it up, yo!

Monday, June 3, 2013